Ada dua dimensi dalam prinsip-prinsip obyektivitas Westerstahl.
Obyektivitas berita diukur berdasar prinsip-prinsip obyektivitas Westerstahl dan menggunakan metode analisis isi.
Riset ini ingin mengukur kecenderungan obyektivitas berita tentang virus H5N1 yang melanda Indonesia pada tahun 2003. First is factuality, which consists of truth and relevance, and the second one is impartiality which consists of balance and neutral presentation.Ībstrak: Surat kabar harus obyektif dalam menyajikan berita kepada audiens. There are 2 dimensions in Westerstahl’s Objectivity’s Principle. The news’ objectivities on International Herald Tribune from January 2005 until December 2006 were being measured with the Westerstahl’s Objectivity’s Principle and content analysis as the method. This research wanted to measure the objectivity’s tendency of the news about H5N1 virus, which attacked Indonesia in year 2003. Kecenderungan Objektivitas Pemberitaan Epidemi Virus H5N1ĭalam International Herald Tribune OnlineĪbstract: Newspapers have to be objective in representing the news to the audience.